
(561) 744-7373

Palm Beach Gardens

(561) 630-9598

Port St. Lucie

(772) 337-1300

Organic produce that is fresh and local reduces your risk of cancer and other diseases related to toxins used in the agricultural industry.

One easy change to make as you improve your eating habits is to buy organic food. It is important to purchase organic produce that is fresh and local, and meat that is free of antibiotics and hormones. Reducing the amount of pesticides and other chemicals in your diet reduces your risk of cancer and other diseases related to toxins used in the agricultural industry. In addition, the water used to produce organic food is cleaner, the soil is healthier, and the animals are usually raised more humanely.

In addition to how your food is produced, another important change is a balanced diet that includes a variety of vitamins, minerals, fiber and nutrients.

Check out the following articles or contact us for more nutrition tips.

  • Turn off the Television

    There are three major trends in the health of both children and adults that have public health workers concerned: an increase in obesity, attention deficit disorder (ADD) and the amount of time spent watching television. Several recently published research studies indicate that television may be the

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  • Identity

    The big distinction about wellness psychology is that it is largely a manifestation of your identity, who you believe yourself to be. If you consider yourself a well person, it goes a long way toward producing well habits and a well mind. Your identity is your self image, your self concept, your beliefs

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  • Personality

    Healthy people express themselves consistent with their personality types, so there is a wide spectrum of normal behaviors that could contribute to achieving wellness. The technical end of wellness psychology encourages normal responses to the challenges of life, rather than just treating mental and

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  • Quality Of Life

    Our own values and beliefs will shape our definition of a great quality of life. A well person or family seeks to live consistently with their own meaning for living well. The most obvious and desirable benefit of a well mind is a better quality of life, which of course is determined by each individual's

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  • Relationships

    Sharing and committing to support each other's values calms rocky waters and sets the stage for happiness and growth in relationships. While you can't be responsible for someone else's behaviors and values, you can help to create an environment that makes relationships work better. Gaining and maintaining

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Palm Beach Gardens


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